Mar 18, 2020

Video Interview Tips

It is business as usual at D R Newitt and we hope the advice below will help our clients and candidates alike.

The popularity of video interviews has been increasing this year and with the recent outbreak of Covid-19, the practices of self-isolation and social distancing are requiring recruiters to go online to interview candidates.

Video interviews offer a different challenge than meeting face to face. Social cues can be lost in the digital translation, your focus can be affected by the quality of the video call and areas of non-verbal communication like your posture and eye contact can be forgotten about. It can require you to take a different approach when making your interview preparations. That’s why we’ve prepared a handful of tips to help you be prepared for these kinds of challenges and nailing that video interview.

Run a test Video interview

Ensuring your setup is fully operational prior to the interview can help you avoid any stress that could be incurred by technical difficulties. The first step is finding out what software the video interview will take place on and getting familiar with it beforehand. Then ask someone you know to make a video call to you through that software, to ensure that your camera, microphone and software are all in working order.

Your Environment

One advantage of a video interview is that you can do it from the comfort of your own home. This can be a plus because the atmosphere is one you’ll already be familiar with. However, the onus is then on you to make sure you that your surroundings are suitable for an interview. You can do this by selecting an appropriate backdrop that your interviewer will see and taking measures that you will not be disturbed or distracted during the video call. Finding somewhere with plenty of natural light and a plain backdrop can help deliver a clear image of yourself and help the interviewer focus on you.

Dress the part

You should follow the dress code as you would for a regular interview. The impact of what you wear will be heightened by the fact that the medium of video is intensely visual, meaning the impression you make through how appropriately dressed you are will be amplified.

Be conscious of your non-verbal communication

If you’re in a familiar environment it can be easy look a little too relaxed to the video interviewer. Bad habits of slouching and swinging in your office chair that you’ve exercised at home could leak into your video call and convey that you’re not taking the interview very seriously. Keep conscious of your body language and take some time to practice it while performing your test video call. Try to keep your eyes off the video interviewer’s image when talking and maintain eye contact with the camera lens. It can feel alien when staring down the camera lens for an extended period of time, but it can go a long way in projecting confidence in the same way it can while in person. A final tip is placing your mouse and other pieces of equipment on your desk out of reach once the interview’s underway, so you aren’t seen to be distracted by them.

Standing out as the ideal candidate for the role can be difficult and having the added challenge of conveying your potential through a video call can be a hindrance if you don’t take the right steps to ensure you’re prepared. With these tips and knowing the basics of how to perform well in interviews, you’ll be set to impress and increase your chances of getting hired.

Tips from Google

Businesses have been encouraging people to work from home and Google has even offered free access to their Hangout Meets video conference call software amid the Covid-19 health crisis. They’ve offered some tips on how to improve your video calls from home which despite the current health crisis situation – can be used to help further refine your video interviewing technique.

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